This is a hair milk, meaning it will be very thin (makes approx 242g ; about 8.5oz)
Leave-In Conditioners
makes approx 234 grams (approx 8.3oz)
Rosemary Horsetail and Green Tea Conditioner makes approx 227g (approx 8oz)
Sweet Almond Coconut Oil Rich Conditioner w/Aloe Ver #5 (Glycerin Free) makes approx 8 oz Another 8...
(makes approx 229g (approx 8oz))
Rooibos and Shea Thick Moisturizer makes approx 6.7oz (measurements are in volume this time; no scale needed)
RECIPE HAS BEEN SOLD. All recipe data has been removed from
makes 249g (approx 8.7 ounces wt.)
makes a little more than 8oz (measurements in weight)
Red Rosemary Conditioning Leave-In Cream measurements are in volume (appox. 8.3oz volume)
Rooibos Coconut Conditioning Cream version #3 makes approx 234grams (approx 8.3oz)
Avocado Leave In Conditioner with Black Tea & Irish Moss makes 271g (approx 9.5 ounces) measurements are...
Hibiscus Coconut Conditioner Leave-in with Macadamia makes approx 253g (approx 9 ounces wt.)
Olive and Green Tea Conditioner Leave-in Cream measurements are in volume (appox. 8.4oz volume)
Coconut Avo Cream Conditioning Moisturizer version #1 makes approx 234grams (approx 8.3oz)
Hibiscus Conditioner with Nettle and Castor oil – makes approx 9oz measurements are in VOLUME PHASE A66%...
Vanilla Mint Conditioning Leave-In measurements are in volume (appox. 8.37oz volume)
For approx 9.45oz (in weight)
Safflower, Horsetail & Vanilla Chai Conditioner w/Coconut and Avocado Oil For approx 8.15oz (just over 8 ounces)
Creamy Olive Leave-in version 3 approx 8oz Measurements for this recipe are in ounces, not grams