Don't be intimidated by the high quality videos created by some Naturals today, and don't judge other Naturals too harshly for the quality of their Youtube videos, especially if they're just starting out.
I was recently asked for advice about creating youtube videos. I didn't have a whole lot of advice to give because I haven't done a whole lot of youtube videos. Although I've been watching youtube videos for years, I never felt a need to actually create any until recently.
The best advice I can give is to understand where you are in your creative journey and start with the first step without directly comparing yourself to people who have been making videos for years.
Not everybody starts out at the top, with the highest quality cameras and the most expensive editing software. You do need some type of camera and possibly a tabletop tripod — or a helper — to give you the ability to go hands-free if necessary. Going hands-free is especially important when doing DIY videos.
I'm speaking from personal experience here. My main camera is on my tablet. Yeah, tablet. It's actually better than my cellphone camera. But can you imagine trying to hold a tablet while mixing up a leave-in conditioner?! #Ridiculousness #Slippery #Churchfaint
I simply don't have an extra $500-$700 laying around to buy a DSLR camera… unless some people want to make a contribution.
In recent weeks, I've just started to try to make vids focused solely on the DIY process and illustrating how I make some of the recipes found at curlytea.com which are available exclusively for Subscription Members. They will include tips and tricks I use when making them. So please have patience with me, chi'le!
I know I'm not alone. Go back and look at the early videos from those youtubers who have awesome videos today. Almost EVERYBODY started from the "bottom" so to speak. 😛
A perfect example is MahoganyCurls. Before she had us all running out to the store and buying 10 bottles of TRESemme Naturals trying to get those gorgeous curls, she was making videos in her bathroom with regular lighting like errrybody else.
Look at her "TWA:Cowash and Wash n Go" video from 5 years ago:
Now check out a video she did just this month (July 2014):
See the difference? She didn't start out with glossy, gorgeous videos. She developed her channel and her following over the course of years.
Another example is Naptural85. Before her hair was down her back as she explained how to make your own mudwash and oil mixes, she was just another Natural with a TWA standing under bathroom lighting shooting her videos.
Check out her 2009 video titled "Quick and Easy TWA Styles | Wash and Go (Pt1) "Natural Hair" ":
Now check out a video she did this month (July 2014) titled "My Favorite Natural Hair Products | Updated 2014 ":
Before BlakIzBeautyful was giving you the lowdown about seemingly every hair product ever produced (LOL!), she was just another natural in low lighting with a TWA telling you about her hair journey… and doing it with perfect diction. 😀
Check out her video from 4 years ago titled "1| I Big Chopped! Natural Hair Journey Introduction "
Now look at her video from March 2014 doing a flat twist out tutorial:
The fabulous kimmaytube is probably the clearest example of when preparation, skill and consistency meets opportunity.
Before she had waist-length hair, started her own product line and had us all enhancing the quality of our conditioners and buying pH strips by the boatload, she was just another Natural sharing her story.
Check out a video of hers from 5 years ago (sitting on the floor in front of the tv chi'le!) titled "LUVNaturals #2 Hair Inspired by Corinne Bailey Rae":
Now check out a video she did about her hair growth journey in April 2014:
And yes, that is her real hair. 😛
I feel like I have to reiterate what I've heard a few Naturals say already. If you want a youtube presence, don't be intimidated when you're just starting out. When you got your first job, did you know everything you know now? Probably not. Experience breeds confidence.
Even if you never get that high powered camera, that's okay too. Don't be intimidated if you really want your voice out there.
With that said, some people just "AIN'T fuh all that youtube mess" as one of my cousins said when I asked why she doesn't post videos. LOL! Some folk just aren't 'youtube'-people. It's not because they lack the skill or the time, but because they just don't want to be. That's fine too.
I simply hope people don't judge others too harshly for our shaky-camera 'cinematography'….and poor lighting….and low quality audio…. and weird camera angles. 🙂